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Midi Tuner 2.0


After seeing this video I wanted to do the same, but using my programming skills and being atomatise the task. On account of the idea of the code being public I uploaded a demo video and another explaining it on a youtube channel before creating jensenProgramming.


All the work that needs to be done is on Main.java.

First a general Program Folder must be set on line 19. Where all the data will be stored.

public static final String FOLDER_PATH = System.getProperty("user.home")+"\\Documents\\Midi Tuner Stuff\\Midi Tuner 2\\";

Then on line 35, MIDI_PATH will contain the path of the midi that will be used.

On line 52 the instruments used will be specified. If the midi has 4 tracks, 4 instruments will have to be specified.

instrumentNames = new String[]{"guitar","guitar","guitar","guitar"};

Lastly, to change the velocity of the played midi, k must be changed on line 54.

Getting the data prepared

As this isn't a pich shifter, every instrument will be required to have a folder with its name, photograms of every note as well as the audio of the notes. Aditionally, a photo with the name no-instrument.jpg will be needed when there is no instrument playing.

You can get the data I've used here. You have to use the same structure.

Need any help?

If you have a problem with this code, you can contact me at gerardjensenolmo@gmail.com